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The Pantharax doesn’t create brands; rather, we reveal the true power of what your brand brings to your customers’ lives. Our unique ability to listen and to understand your customers’ emotions is what makes our branding services so effective.

Brand Identity Initiation

Clear brand that connects with your customers

collateral  GENERATION

Taking care of all your printing needs

brand management services

Handling all challenges of local and global branding

brand consultancy services

Working as an extension to your internal branding team


Corporate branding includes all of the visual communications that are created to represent the overall face of your organization—from corporate logos and fonts to your tagline, graphics, color palette, and tone of voice, we've got you completely covered.

End-to-End Branding

Industry-leading guidelines to help us determining your brand

collateral  GENERATION

Marketing materials plays a key role in bringing in new customers for your business. Whether digital printing, offset printing, or large-format printing, we’ve worked with every industry and technology out there, and continue to evolve and grow in order to take care of all your collateral needs.

We form meaningful connections between people and brands

Brand Management 

From localization of brand assets to global guidelines. Our brand management methods delivers an immersive brand experience, streamlined usability and connects your audience and partners to your brand.

We transform brands so businesses grow


When you have branding needs that extend beyond your team, finding the best marketing agency can be a huge unlock. We're experts at provide analysis, solutions and general branding expertise for companies to sell their products.